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Recent reports
Jenkins, A.R. 2018. Pre-screening study of the possible impacts on birds of the proposed
Bothaskop Wind Farm in the vicinity of Rouxville, Free State Province, South Africa.
Report to Windlab South Africa.
Jenkins, A.R. 2019. Pre-feasibility bird impact study for a proposed wind farm development
in Herat Province, Afghanistan. Report to Dynamic Vision.
Jenkins, A.R. 2019. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of the proposed Albany
Wind Farm in the vicinity of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Report to André van der Spuy Environmental Consultants.
Jenkins, A.R. 2020. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for a proposed 132kV power
line from Khukhune to Letšeng Substations, Lesotho: Bird Impact Study. Report to LEC.
Jenkins, A.R. 2020. Pre-feasibility bird impact study for a proposed wind farm development
in Balkh Province, Afghanistan. Report to Dynamic Vision.
Jenkins, A.R. & Du Plessis, I.J. 2017. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on
birds of a proposed utility scale wind farm development in Mozambique: Manhica A & B. Report to Ibis Consulting.
Jenkins, A.R. & Du Plessis, I.J. 2017. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds
of a proposed utility scale wind farm development in Mozambique: Mulambe. Report to Ibis Consulting.
Jenkins, A.R. & Du Plessis, I.J. 2017. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of a
proposed utility scale wind farm development in Mozambique: Xai Xai. Report to Ibis Consulting.
Jenkins, A.R. & Du Plessis, I.J. 2017. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of a
proposed utility scale wind farm development in Mozambique: Cahora Bassa. Report to Ibis Consulting.
Jenkins, A.R. & du Plessis, J. 2017. Klipfontein Wind Energy Facility, Laingsburg, Western Cape:
Additional screening-level assessment of bird impacts. Report to Moyeng Energy.
Jenkins, A.R. & Thomsett, S. 2017. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of proposed
utility-scale wind farms at two sites in Northern Kenya: Meru North and Meru South. Report to Windlab.
Jenkins, A.R., du Plessis, J., Millikin, R. & Benn, G. 2017. West Coast One Wind Energy Facility:
Post-construction avian impacts and mitigation study, Year 1 2015-2016. Report to Moyeng Energy.
Jenkins, A.R. & du Plessis, J. 2018. The status of vultures and other raptors within the impact
area of the AMA1 LNG Project. Report to ERM Southern Africa.
Jenkins, A.R. & Du Plessis, J. 2020. Construction of a 66 kV power line between the existing
Bon-Chretien and proposed Merino substations in the Ceres area, Western Cape. Report to SRK.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2021. Updated pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds
of the proposed Memel Wind Farm in the eastern Free State, South Africa. Report to EDF.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2021. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on raptors and
other birds of the proposed in the Mzuzu District, northern Malawi. Report to Frontier Energy.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2021. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of
the proposed Klipfontein Renewable Energy Facility in the Laingsburg area of the Western Cape, South Africa.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2021. Peer review of the bird impact study for the proposed
Wind Garden Wind Farm in the Grahamstown area of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Report to Richard Summers.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2022. Comments on the cumulative impacts on large eagles of
wind farm development in the Cookhouse Renewable Energy Development Zone, Eastern Cape Province,
South Africa. Report to AVDS Consulting.
Jenkins, A.R. & van Zyl. A.J. 2022. Pre-screening study of possible impacts on birds of the
proposed Mabele Emoyeni wind farm near Ventersburg, Free State Province, South Africa. Report to Windlab.